[LeetCode][380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)] Data Structures: Thought Process from HashMap to HashMap + Array
By Long Luo
This article is the solution Data Structures: Thought Process from HashMap to HashMap + Array of Problem 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) .
It’s easy to think of using a Hash Table to achieve \(O(1)\) time complexity for \(\texttt{insert}\) and \(\texttt{remove}\) operations. However, we need \(O(1)\) time complexity to complete the \(\texttt{getRandom}\) operation.
The Array structure can complete the operation of obtaining random elements in \(O(1)\) time complexity, but it can’t completed the \(\texttt{insert}\) and \(\texttt{remove}\) operations in \(O(1)\) time complexity.
So How?
We can combining the \(\texttt{HashMap}\) and Array. The Array stores the elements, and the \(\texttt{HashMap}\) stores the input value as the \(\texttt{key}\) and the array subscript \(\texttt{loc}\) as the value.
We need to apply for an array nums of sufficient size (the data range is \(2 \times 10^5\) ), and a variable \(\texttt{idx}\) to record how many space is currently used.
\(\texttt{insert}\): Judge whether the \(\texttt{HashMap}\) contains the \(\texttt{val}\), if not, insert the \(\texttt{val}\) to the \(\texttt{HashMap}\) and update the Array nums.
\(\texttt{remove}\): Judge whether the \(\texttt{HashMap}\) contains the \(\texttt{val}\), if not, get the location loc of the input val, replace the loc with the last value of the array, remove the \(\texttt{val}\) from \(\texttt{HashMap}\) and update the \(\texttt{idx}\).
\(\texttt{getRandom}\): Just select a subscript at random and return the element of the array.
1 | class RandomizedSet { |
- Time Complexity: \(O(1)\).
- Space Complexity: \(O(n)\).
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